Things to know.
In the newsreel above you see the latest news on my website, like new pictures, times and dates not available, etc.
Below that you see temporary updates on a monthly basis as long as these are valid .
March 2023:
The rules about Covid are no longer.
But if you’re not feeling well, then of course there is always the option to reschedule.
As always, you will be asked to enter the bathroom first, to take off your shoes.
You can also leave your other belongings there.

** I wish you a fun and exciting journey through my website, finding recognisable things and new things. If you mouse over a subject you can find out if and what is hidden under there. Join me in a journey, trustworthy as ever, exploring a new world that is here to stay. **

all important information combined together to meet.
* Sessions are by appointment only.
* The studio is not recognizable as such from the street, so you can enter anonymously.
* I do not have regular opening hours, you can suggest what fits you best.
* Reservations can be made by phone between 12.00 and 22.00. No anonymous calls.
* Text messages are not read or answered. I will not call you back.
* There is time for an intake talk and an after talk.
* A spacious bathroom with shower is available.
* Sessions start from 30 minutes.
*You can book a (first) appointment by reservation. As soon as the right amount is prepaid in my bank account your appoinment is confirmed. There is a no return policy. In case of a scheduling problem the amount is held towards a future appointment.
© Domina, Mrs. Jacqueline