Foil bondage,
Bondage using foil, also known as clingfilm
Foil, a completely different approach to material to work with, but with so many possibilities and challenges. And more importantly, it offers sensations on your body, when you feel it, than, for example, rope.
* Wrap certain body parts with foil, so that my foil is transformed into clothing, and I dress you.
* Conversely, also very nice, that certain body parts remain easily accessible to be able to focus on them and to torture.
* Or am I in the mood to spend a very long time with you and mummify you, at the mercy of the expectation, how many revolutions I will make with my foil, to make any kind of movement impossible for you. Then you have no choice but to find out whether I “park” you and leave you to your fate. or ………. it will be the beginning that makes it even harder.
* Who knows, I’ll start a very challenging game with you where I lie on your wrapped body and my body gives you extra pressure. Powerless, handed down with only the use of your eyes and your imagination.
When you are partially or completely wrapped in the foil, I can do all kinds of things with you, for example:
* Pouring jets of water that continue their way between the foil and the twisting body, because it suddenly feels very cold on that body that has been heated up by the foil.
* Go a step further and do about the same thing but maybe with ice.
* Play with your thoughts a bit more by grabbing a pair of scissors and slowly uncovering body parts.
* Not only to take away your movements but it is also up to me how long I take your breath away.
* How about inescapably having the soles of your feet tortured with my nails and some more that could tickle incessantly.
* Current and the moisture from your heated body in the foil also wants to cause very unexpected fields of tension.
And you, the one undergoing it?
It makes you powerless.
Maybe you just don’t feel so naked to me.
Can you have a foil layer around you for a first “safe” introduction to my whip, or can I clearly put my heavy marks on the skin just after that. Just unpacked and therefore much more sensitive, but also much greater in chance of marks.
Am I wrapping you up for some other purpose?
To let you float, to give you freedom, limitation, bliss or severe limitation..
In short, a component material that I like to use and can work with during a session.
And what gives me a lot of fantasy within the Fetish to be able to be surprising again and again.
But in what form and how far I go with this depends on;
* Is it a session part within SM or is it your Fetish and our time only consists of being busy with foil.
* What is my goal.
* What is the duration of the session (mummification cannot be done in an hour).
* Is anyone open to an experience with foil.
* What fantasy comes to mind.
* What challenge arises.
* And of course what do I feel like.
So… you take on that challenge, to experience off what I good have in store for you. And what can be experienced with foil? If you’re curious, you can click the link here, bringing you to my Dutch page and enjoy the film of a session I had before.
Be alert when starting the movie, also start the sound!
© Domina, Mrs. Jacqueline